Here at Winchester City Dance we aim to put together as many performances and events as we can. Whether they are big or small, our events aim to showcase our students so that you can enjoy watching your family and friends dance. This also gives our students the opportunity to perform and build confidence in front of an audience. We also run yearly summer schools, exams and outings with our Adult students.
Our 4th Birthday! March 2020
We had a fantastic week celebrating the school's 4th Birthday! We've had an amazing year with our students achieving their best exam results yet, our 2nd successful summer school and further expanding our range of available classes. It has been even lovelier to see so many students grow and improve their confidence and skills, especially those students from both our very first Baby ballet and our Adult ballet class 4 years ago. Thank you to all of our students and parents who have supported us and continued to attend and spread the word about our school, we really appreciate all of your efforts. It has been an honour to teach every one of you!

Swan Lake Theatre Trip - Jan 2020
Our trip to the theatre with our Adult Ballerinas has become an annual outing. This year we chose to see Swan Lake- a classic ballet performance which we love to try and recreate in class! It was great to be out enjoying something we all love and for some to enjoy their first ever Ballet!

Adult Ballet Christmas Meal
We had a lovely Christmas celebration at the King Alfred in Winchester this year, with our biggest run out yet! It was a lovely evening of festive celebrations and a great way to get to know a little more about our Students.

Summer School 2019
This year's summer school was more fun filled than ever! We had lots of guest teachers this year who brought us a fantastic Jazz workshop, a Musical Theatre and drama session and a Bollywood class! We even ended the week with a neon Boogie Bounce Party! We also did lots of Arts and crafts- making Slinky from Toy Story, Unicorn Wands, mermaid tails and even our very own Troll. We also had a showing to all the parents of everything we had learnt by the end of the week. We are looking forward to next year already!

Exam Results 2019
We had some fantastic results this year with everyone achieving at least a Merit and 93% of students achieving a Distinction! We even had several students achieve Distinction with Honours! We love to see our students achieving everything they deserve when they have worked so hard. We are so proud of you all.
Congratulations everyone!

Open showing 2019
Thank you to all who came along to our Open classes to celebrate the end of term! As usual we had a selection of Ballet themed snacks and drinks to accompany our showing. It was a great opportunity for our students and parents to socialise and interact outside of the formal classroom. We also managed to raise a fantastic £550 for the Maya Centre's Dance Movement Therapy sessions. A huge thank you for all your donations and thank you all for another fantastic year!

Exams 2019
A huge well done to our Exam students! We are into our second year of providing exams for our students and we are so proud of of everyone who was involved! We had more students signing up to do their exams and believe we will achieve some great results. We have no doubt that with the dedication from our students this year that they will all achieve what they deserve.

Happy 3rd Birthday WCD!
It has been 3 years since we first opened! We started with just 3 little pupils and we are very proud that we now have over 100 students and are now running 10 different classes. It has been a pleasure to see each and every one of our students grow and we look forward to many more years together.
Beauty and the Beast Ballet
This year our Adult Ballet students went to see a Beauty and the Beast Ballet performance at the Mayflower theatre. It was great to watch the professionals in action!
Medals and Certificates
It was a great to see the faces of our students when they were finally presented with their exam certificates and medals. Congratulations to them all, we hope to continue adding to each of their collections.
Summer School 2018
This August WCD held its first Summer School! We had lots of guest teachers leading various workshops including Cheer, Musical Theatre and Bollywood! In addition to this, we also had various arts and crafts throughout. At the end of the week we held a small showcase for friends and family to see what we had been up to.
WCD'S first Exam Day- 04/08/2018
In August, our school had its first exam day! We had lots of nervous little ballerinas (and adults!). However, the day was a great success and we achieved a 100% pass rate with everyone obtaining either a Merit or a Distinction! A huge congratulations to all.
Open Week 2018- 19/07- 21/07
To celebrate the end of the school year, we held an Open Week where friends and family members could come and watch their child's class. Each class demonstrated their set exercises as well as a special dance they had learnt for the day. We also handed out certificates and awards and had lots of tasty ballet themed snacks! This year we managed to raise £377 for a Dance Movement Therapy group at the Maya Centre, who provided counselling to women! A huge thank you to all who donated.
WCD's 2nd Birthday! - 08/03/2018
During this week, our School celebrated our 2nd Birthday! Since our 1st Birthday our classes have nearly doubled and now we offer Contemporary dance classes as well as Ballet.
The Nutcracker Trip- 30/11/17
Our Adult Ballet class took a trip to The Mayflower in Southampton to watch the Christmas favourite: The Nutcracker. It was a great chance to celebrate the end of term and see the professionals in action!
End of Term Showings- 20/07/17-22/07/17
In the final week of summer term we opened our doors to family and friends to watch what their loved ones had been up to throughout the year. As well as showcasing exercises, each class prepared a dance to perform. Certificates and medals were also awarded to our students for all their handwork in the year.
We also managed to raise a fantastic £217 for Dance Voice- a dance movement therapy charity in Bristol. And of course, there was lots of yummy ballet themed food!

WCD's 1st Anniversary- 04/03/17:
This year, Winchester City Dance celebrated its first anniversary! The school was first established in 2016 with just three students and has since expanded to over 60 students with five different classes, running on a regular basis. We are continually expanding and developing our classes and are looking to open multiple classes in the near future.
OPEN DAY - Baby Ballet 30/07/16:
Our very first open day was an opportunity for our little ballerinas to perform to their family and friends, enjoy ballerina themed cupcakes and biscuits and to raise money for charity! We also celebrated achievements of everyone in the class, giving medals to those finishing their first term of Baby Ballet and awarding certificates of completion to those moving up to our Primary Ballet Classes. The event began by showcasing our usual techniques of teaching and incorporated a performance for our finale. Best of all, we managed to raise £60 for Dance voice, a fantastic dance movement therapy organisation based in Bristol. We look forward to the next event!
OPEN DAY- Adult Ballet- 24/11/16:
This event was an opportunity for our Adult Ballet students to showcase exercises from their weekly classes, to family and friends. Our students had also been working on a group dance, so this was a perfect opportunity to put on a small performance. There were refreshments for all, including tutu cupcakes!
Well done to all our students who participated and a big thank you to all family and friends who came to watch!